July 17, 2024

Umatilla County Courthouse, Room 130

9:00 a.m.

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 +1 781-514-7787‬ PIN: ‪197 240 292‬#

        A.      Call to order.

B.      Pledge of Allegiance

C.      Chair introductory comments, reminder that meeting is public

D.      Awards/Recognitions/Correspondence

E.      Approval of minutes of previous meeting

      F.       Additions to Agenda

G.      Public Input and Recognition of Visitors

H.      Business items:   

                1.    Cemetery District Annexation - Public Hearing
                2.    Development Code Update - Public Hearing
                3.    Dispatch Payment - Hermiston RIMS
                4.    Dispatch Payment - Agency RIMS
                5.    Shredder Purchase
                6.    Gettman Road Transfer
                7.    Fire Sprinkler Replacement
                8.    IT Training Room Upgrades
                9.    Public Health Payable
                10.  Fair Board Appointment
                11.  Fair Fans Purchase
                12.  Fair Payable
                13.  DA Deputy CBA Ratification
                14.  Budget Order Rescinding
                15.  DKS Contract
                16.  Executive Session - Employment/Real Property - ORS 192.660(2)(a,b,e,h)



To allocate resources in a transparent manner that effectively and efficiently serve residents of Umatilla County


If you need a sign or spoken language interpreter, please call 541-278-6204 at least 48 hours prior to this meeting.